$190.00 AUD

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Don't forget to add your Squarespace website template here!

In addition to everything else you get inside VA Launchpad, you will also get:

- Your Squarespace Template (you will get to choose from the London, Paris or Barcelona template after purchase)
- 6 months free Squarespace trial
Plenty of time for you to customise the template and launch your new website!
- Template Resource Hub
Everything you need to know about customising your website template. Includes: website copy prompts, video walkthroughs, image templates and more!
- Bonus Trainings
Extra resources and checklists to further support you such as: where to source high-quality free images, launch checklist and more!

Total value - over $2000 

VA Launchpad

VA Launchpad is our signature self-paced training program to start your VA business and start living life on your own terms!

Designed to guide you through every step of the process of learning the business foundations, getting everything ready for launch, start working effectively with clients & making an income with the freedom and flexibility of setting your own schedule & working from home!

What you'll get when you sign up:

  • The entire VA Launchpad Course with lifetime access to updates and additions
  • Access to our entire step-by-step training library & everything you need to not only launch your VA business but learn how to grow a successful business
  • Tutorials to show you exactly how to set up your business systems
  • Fully customisable templates to cut out HOURS of work and overwhelm creating them from scratch
  • Expert Masterclasses to deep dive into specific topics 
  • Workbooks & resources to support your learning as you make your way through the training
  • Review & feedback on your business assets
  • A Client Service Agreement (key legal document for Australian VAs valued at $275)