Nominations are OPEN!

Nominations closing date: 5th August 2024

Nominate now!




A celebration of Virtual Assistants in Australia who have made a positive impact and recognition of the leaders and change-makers of our industry.

Join us for our virtual Awards Event

Date: Thursday, 31st October 2024

Time: 7pm AEDT

Theme: Glitz & Glam

Mark your calendar and register to join us for a night of celebration, inspiration and fun!

Thanks to our 2024 Award Sponsors we have been able to make the 2024 Awards Event Free!

Register Here


Nomination Form

Please complete ALL form fields - these answers are used in our shortlisting process.

Thank you to our 2024 Award Sponsorship Partners 




Thank you for taking the time to either nominate yourself, a fellow VA or a VA who has made a difference in your business.

This is our fourth time hosting the Australian Virtual Assistant Awards and we are so proud to stand beside our industry leaders, rising stars, and everyone in-between as an advocate for the excellent talent and impact our industry has to offer.

I look forward to seeing you at the Virtual Awards Ceremony on the 31st of October as we come together to announce our winners and celebrate our incredible industry!

Amy - Founder of Seed Virtual Assistants and the Australian Virtual Assistant Awards

Thank you to our 2024 Award Sponsorship Partners


Nominations are open to Australian citizens and residents only

8th July - Nominations Open

All nominees will be notified via email of their nomination and award category within 48 hours of submitting their nominations.

Nominees will be sent promotional assets to celebrate their nominations with their audience on social media, email marketing, and other platforms of choice.

5th August - Nominations close

Nomination submissions will be reviewed and filtered to remove any ineligible nominations (nomination form not complete OR fake/spam nominations)

12th August - People's Choice Voting Open

All nominees will have the opportunity to participate in People's Choice in addition to their primary award nomination - this is the only category that is put to public vote.

Nominees will be notified when voting opens and they will be able to rally together their community, connections and audience to vote for them for a chance to win the People's Choice Award.

19th August - 2nd September Round 1 Judging  (shortlisting)

In Round 1 of judging, our judges will review the nomination submission forms and select our 5 finalists for each award category.

6th September - Finalist Announcements

Our 5 finalists for each award category will be contacted and notified that they have made it through as finalists. They will be asked to provide a submission and reference statement to support their application, which will then be reviewed by our judges to determine the category winners.

Finalists will receive further promotional assets to celebrate their finalist announcement.

30th September - 21st October - Round 2 Judging

The final round of judging will take place to agree on a winner for each award category.

31st October - Virtual Awards Ceremony

Winners of our award categories and People's Choice will be announced at our virtual awards ceremony on the 31st of October 2024

If you have any questions about the awards process, please email us at [email protected]

Awards Terms & Conditions can be found here